Just CLOWIN' around.....

You Tell Me
Check out my Ebay auction.....
This is really for Marcie & Angie. Do you like it!??! Pics aren't that great, but you get the idea, check it out!!!!!! It's like brand new too!!!
Another update on Lexi! Today was her first day away from mommy & daddy as far as potty training goes. She went to Mary's today.
This is the 4th day Lexi has been wearing underwear. In 4 days, she has had 2 accidents!! Pretty darn good! The one last night was probably by own fault. I had dropped the kids off at Barb & Mark's & went to the mall (had to spend my Gymbucks!!). When I got back, Barb had said that Lexi hadn't gone at all & so I should have put her on the toilet right away. I asked her if she had to go & she mumbled something & then I was busy w/ the food I brought & about 10 seconds later she said she peed. I'll take the blame on that one!
Yesterday Phil had Lexi in underwear all day. I came home & when she woke up from her nap (in her unders) she was dry. So we sat on the pot after she got up. She didn't have to go, but she did try.
I was suppose to have the appt at 8:30 today...yesterday they call & say they have to change it, can I come in at 10:00. Sure. So I get there at 10:00, Phil & Lexi meet me there while Nick is at school.
There are two birthdays in the family today! My dad is SIXTY - EIGHT.......68!!! When are you gonna retire?!?!?
I'm 19 weeks today & I haven't felt the baby move yet. I have been worried (movement can be felt anywhere from 17-21 weeks) so I went in yesterday to make sure everything was alright. And it was. My next appointment is in 2 weeks. On Tuesday, we go in for an ultrasound.
I was just going through an old website & found some pictures....
We are in the process of adding a closet to the basement bedroom. I had *thought* we were going to hire a professional to do the job. I was wrong.