Whaz Up?
You Tell Me
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Here's what Phil has been watching for the last 8 hours......
How cool is that? To see what is happening in Africa right now...
Watch out though, it's addicting to watch!!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Sleep Over
Lexi is having her first sleep over tonight! She came home from school today & asked if she could have a slumber party at Emily's. Emily is our neighbor's granddaughter. They ride the bus home together as Emily goes to her grandma's after school until her mom gets home from work.
They decided to have the sleep over at Grandma's, so she is right next door in case she wants to come home ;-) I'm sure she'll be fine. She was so excited about it. She was over there playing after school & came home to pack her bag. I had to hold her down to talk with her before she left she was so anxious to get back over there!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Halloween 1982
Halloween is coming! Thought I'd share this old one I dug up! It's only 24 years ago!!! Oh my, did I just say that?!!? I'm really aging myself!! I was 10 years old!! I'm sure you can tell what I was dressed as, but just in case you can't.... check this picture out. http://gallery.bayazidi.net/d/1040-1/smurfette_Smurfs_.jpg
When we were looking through these old pictures today, I asked Nick if he knew who the other person was. Of course he did...he said "Barb" LOLOLOLOLOLOL Then I looked again & I guess it does look like her!
Oh, and Nick LAUGHED at the *apples* I got!
So who remembers our old kitchen!? And that phone!? We were able to get that cord to stretch all the way to the den for some privacy!! Or else we'd go around the corner into the bread closet (or whatever that closet was for!!). My older siblings had to do that more than me. I was really cool cause I got a PHONE IN MY BEDROOM when I was a teenager!! Can you imagine?!? A PHONE in the BEDROOM!!! I think I was married when CORDLESS PHONES become the thing!
Where is that black phone mom? I'm sure it's worth a mint on Ebay!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Sick Sick Sick!!
Well it was a rough night for Zander & myself last night. I was in bed coughing & so was he. I went up at 1:00 to give him some more cough syrup & took some myself. We then laid in the recliner to see if sitting up/sleeping would help us. It didn't. We both laid there for an hour & then I put him back to bed. I got a little sleep on the couch before everyone woke up at 6:30 this morning. Zander included. He felt warm & his breathing was *off* to me. He didn't sound right. So I cancelled his speech class for this morning & we went to the doctor instead. Doctor didn't think he sounded good either so sent us to X-ray. Got the results right away & no sign of pneumonia or bronchitis. He sent us home w/ a neb machine & will have to do 4 treatments/day until he gets better. Well I was hoping to do one when we got home & I knew Zander was tired (it was about 12:30). On the drive home I looked back & said, stay away we are almost home! A minute later I looked back & he was out! So he's sleeping now & we'll have to give him his first treatment when he wakes up.
Zachary has the runny nose business as well but not as bad as Zander or I. I'm sure he'll get is along with everyone else in the house! I just hope we are all healthy for Halloween!! Last year Zander had the puke bug on us & had to miss out!
We need some good health vibes here!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Grocery Savings
Ok, so I've been cutting a ton of coupons & thought I'd try them at the grocery store today. I made out my list by looking at the ads. I went to Cashwise today where I normally don't shop. Just wanted to pick up the items I had coupons for ONLY. And I did just that!! When does a person ever just stick to their *list*?!
So today I got $25.85 worth of groceries for $11.36!! That is over 50% savings!! Yeah me! Ok, here is what I bought today:
Bagel Bites on sale for 1.88, bought 5 = $9.40
Yoplait Yougart on sale for .50, bought 6 = $3.00
Westpac Veg on sale for 3/$4.00 = $4.00
Golden Plump Chicken on sale 2/$7.00 = $7.00
Nestle Baking chocolates $2.29
Coupons used:
Nestle, buy $25 in groceries, get them FREE ($2.29) (Just BARELY made it! LOL)
Westpac .35 x 3 = <1.05>
Bagel Bites .75 x 5 and Cashwise had a $5 coupon on 5 = <8.75>
Yougart <.40>
Chicken 1.00 x 2= <$2.00>
Total = $25.85 Less Coupons $14.49 = $11.36
Then I went to Hy=Vee to pick up a few more sale items & things I needed: Here I got $33.17 worth for 16.67. So again I did a 50% savings! Here I got:
Pillsbury Sweet Rolls 2/$3.00
Banquet Honey & Mustard Chicken $6.99
Marie Cal. Crock Pot Meal $5.99
Farmland Ring Sausage 2/$5.00
Oxiclean Toss Ball $5.49
Bananas .66
Farmland Sausage Links 1.18 x 2
Farmland Ham 3.68
Total: $33.17
Pillsbury <.40>
Banquet MIR <6.99>
Marie Cal <1.00>
Farmland Sausage <1.00>
Oxiclean <5.49>
Farmland Links <1.00>
Farmland Ham <1.00>
Total Coupons: 16.88
$33.17- $16.88 = $16.29
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday we went to Sioux Falls, SD to watch Ashley play volleyball. In my van was me, Grandma, Nick, Eric, & Lexi on the way there. We got there at noon on Saturday, did a little shopping, ate lunch & checked into the hotel. The kids did some swimming & I did a little more shopping. Was sick with a cold so just came back with a headache. Then Grandpa & Mark came. We ate supper & then headed to Augustana College where Chris, Jean, & Sara joined us! MSU lost in 3 games & I lost my voice as well. Headed back to the hotel. We ended up with 8 of us in the room/suite. Grandma/Grandpa had a bed & Ashley & I shared one. Nick & Eric shared the hideabed & Lexi slept on the floor & Mark slept on a blow up matress. Have you ever slept in a room with 7 other people?! Let's say it was interesting. I did get some sleep surprisingly. I never heard Mark's cell phone go off at 5:30 am. What the hell is up w/ JP calling at THAT hour?!!? And let's just say that we can all feel sorry for my mom. Besides the loud snoring dad does, he TALKS in his sleep. We didn't hear any curse words, but did hear him say "GET OFF THE ROAD" a few times. Of course he denies talking in his sleep.
We got home in plenty of time for the Vikings game on Sunday. I tried to rest from my cold but ended up taking some pills I probably shouldn't of & felt worse. Now the cough is coming. Zander has the cough now again & Zachary still has the runny nose. We just need some warm weather I think!

Thursday, October 19, 2006
On Tuesday I went with Lexi's class on their field trip. Both kgarten classes went together, so a total of 29 students (one was out sick). We hit FIVE farms! The first one was a DAIRY farm. It was the school secretary's farm.
I had 4 kids in my van. Two boys & two girls. One boy....let's just say WOW. After 2 farms, the teacher said we were making a switch. How did she know?! She asked how he was & I didn't really say & then she says "you are being too nice!" So then I got a different little boy & he was so nice!! He had to sit by me for lunch & then just followed me around! Very sweet kid! There is EDDIE in the back row in a red coat. It looks like he is about to put straw on the girl in front of him!! But really, he was a good kid! LOL
It was a fun day!

Time to EAT!
2nd FARM was beef/cattle Farm & also got so check out the machinery! This farm was a kgartener's grandparents farm. Now this was interesting. It was feeding time for the cows. The farmer CALLED the cows from the pasture. I couldn't understand what two words he was saying so I asked his wife & still didn't understand! Whatever it was, it worked!! The cows came to eat!! There were a little scared with all the kids there but most of them came to eat! It was pretty cool!