Whaz Up?
You Tell Me
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Holiday Treats!!
I know Jennie likes to see my creations.....Lexi & I made these the other day.

The second batch turned our way cuter...they are like the picture below. We are bringing some to Sanborn so you can try them then! They are so easy to make that you could even make them Jennie & impress your co-workers!! Maybe for Valentine's day....you could do it with red & white M & M's.

Tried to get Zachary smiling...he just couldn't do it when the camera was on him!! He's still cute though! After doing some research, I'm now thinking Zach may have reflux. Have any of you dealt with it, know anything about it?? I will be talking to my doctor about it next week when I see him. There isn't anything you can do for it, just let him outgrow it I guess.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Zachary/Chiropractor Update
Last Friday was our 4th visit to the chiropractor. The treatments don't really seem to be helping as far as I can tell. When we were getting ready to leave, the receptionist said "see you next week" I looked at the doctor & said "I thought we were done after four" He says "what, you think four treatments & they are cured?" Well, Phil & I *SWEAR* he said it would be four times. So we made an appointment for Monday.
I took him on Monday & the doctor sat me down & said he wanted to explain a few things. Went over his stuff & said that sometimes they can see an improvement in babies after one treatment, while some take longer. He said it's usually between 3-6 treatments they do & then even after that some parents choose to come once/month. All people are different. Really? And I was told to be patient. You come live here for a day & we'll see what kind of patience you have!!
So Monday was number five & we go tomorrow (Thursday) for number six. I don't think it's gonna make a difference. I think we'll be done after tomorrow. Zachary will outgrow the colic the same time the *treatment* starts to work!!
Sad to say it didn't work for us, but I have heard from a few friends on how it did work for them & their babies.
We have good days & bad days here. Yesterday was really bad....today was much better. Course I took Zach & Zander to Target while Lexi was at school so that helped. Getting Zachary out of the house always seems to help.
Oh, and poor Zander woke up this morning with the croup that Nick had last week. I called the clinic & was able to get a prescription called in without having to take him in. Phil is picking that up now. So now it only has to hit Lexi & Zachary. Pray it doesn't! Or if it does, it at least waits until AFTER the holidays!!
And to end on a positive note.....we got our first smiles out of Zachary...in between the crying!! Smile one minute & cry the next!
Zachary's Baptism!

We had a private service on Friday night. The grandparents & sponsors were there. Also cousin Ashley ;-) She was in town for a few days and on Saturday I took her to the airport so she could head to Texas for a MONTH. A MONTH off of school & a MONTH away from this weather! Lucky girl! She is really from the south.....Phil told her to go warm up the van & so she did. We all head out & the garage door is still shut!! Phil says "you know we open the door when the vehicle is running" She says "well I didn't know, we don't have to PREHEAT our cars in Texas!" Preheat...I love it!! There was another funny thing she said but of course now I can't remember what it was! We are gonna miss her but I'm sure she's glad to be away from my kids for awhile!! Especially fussy butt Zachary. She got a TRUE taste of him on Thursday.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
One Hellious Day..........
Friday is Zachary's last day at the chiropractor. I thought it was helping but after today I'm not sure. He was really fussy today & was awake pretty much all day. Had a two hour nap & that was about it. He really was hard today & my niece Ashley was here & got to experience it!! Lucky her!!
And if hearing a baby cry for hours on end isn't bad....I had to go to the dentist to get two cavities filled. It's been 5 hours & my mouth is STILL numb. And I'm HUNGRY!!
Heading to bed to get a couple hours of sleep before duty calls.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
We took Zachary to the chiropractor yesterday. Phil thinks the adjusments to the spine will help his crying. Guess it won't hurt anything to try. He wants to see him 3x next week & hopefully that is suppose to be it.
We will see. Let's hope it helps!!