Whaz Up?
You Tell Me
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Whoo Hoo!!!
If I can find more of these, that will help with the grocery bill!!!
This was my highest profit clothing item I've sold on Ebay. I just happened to find another one yesterday.....don't think I'll get as much but it should do well too!!
Future Grocery Bill?!?! YIKES!!
I have a feeling that three boys are gonna eat us out of the house!!
Zander's breakfast today consisted of:
Orange Juice
1 1/2 eggs
Piece of toast
2 Sausage Patties
The kid ate more than me today!! And we know how big of an eater I am!!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
Guess What Zander Did Today?!?!
He went poop on the toilet!! Now if we only could get him to say a few words!!
We'll see if he keeps it up!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
ER visit.........
Had enough of the chest pain so I called the clinic this morning to see a doctor. They were all out of available appointments & said if I wanted to be seen, I had to go to the Emergency Room. So I did. Was hoping they'd keep me & even took my hospital bag with. They sent me home with out a baby, but some good drugs instead.
I am being treated for pneumonia. Without a chest x-ray they can't be 100% certain that is what I have but they don't like to do x-rays on pregnant women so the doctor said we would treat it this way. It's either this or Pleurisy or some skeleton muscular thing I have. The coughing for 3 weeks is long enough & I needed something for the unbearable pain. When it hurts to breathe....something needs to be done!
So I'm on amoxicillian for 10 days & some Vicodin for the pain. The Vicodin has already kicked in & I have some pain relief FINALLY.
As long as we were at the hospital (Phil came with today...his FIRST doctor visit with this pregnancy and they didn't even check the baby really. As long as baby is moving I guess things are fine.) we went to the OB department to see if anything opened up for Thursday. Nope, & Friday was booked as well. So it's still on for Tuesday. I do see my doctor on Thursday.
Time to rest before Nick gets home from school. Grandma has been a HUGE help with Lexi & Zander. They have been taking turns staying there & are both there now & Lexi will come home later. Thanks GRANDMA!!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Come & Gone....
My FOURTH Due Date has come & gone (well almost, just over an hour to go!). I thought for SURE this one was going to come today.
Contractions started just after midnight. I had JUST fallen asleep & was woken up by them. I laid in bed unti about 2 am breathing through them. They were about 10 minutes apart. Then I got up & went upstairs to the couch & quit watching the clock and tried to get some sleep. Wanted to wait until daybreak before having to wake anyone up. They continued all night so I didn't get any sleep. About 5:00 I went back to bed & lasted about 30 minutes. Went back upstairs & called the OB dept at 5:30 & asked when/if I should come in. She said when contractions were about 5 mins apart or if my water broke. This was all new to me....having contractions without pitocin!! So I stayed on the couch & Nick was the first one up. Not even sure what time it was. Then I had him watch the clock for me....still about 10 mins apart. Then Lexi was up about 7:15 & about 7:45 Eric came up. Then they really got close....so I said I better get things packed up. Well I went to the bathroom & wouldn't you know it, after that they pretty much STOPPED. Contractions for over 8 hours & then NOTHING. Well an hour or so later they did start again....but nothing consistent that I could time.
I took a nap this afternoon & by 4:00 it was all over. Nothing. All that pain & NO baby to show for it.
So Phil went in to work tonight. Like something will happen when I'm here all alone?!?!
My doctor is out of town now until Thursday. I have an appointment then & will find out if I progressed anything from all of this. I'm sure I'm now at a 1.5.
How depressing.
Still scheduled for the 15th....a LONG 9 days to go yet.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Happy 7th Birthday Nick!! Took these tonight since we'll be taking the cupcakes to school tomorrow. He looks so happy to be turning 7 doesn't he!??! Actually in about an hour & a half from now my contractions started with him. It was midnight & I was suppose to be at the hospital at 7 am to be induced. We went to the hospital at around 3 or 4 am & Nick was born at 12:17 pm. 12 hours of labor for the first kid, then Lexi was 6 hours & Zander was 5 hours. Think this one will be shorter?!?!

39 weeks & 2 days. Had a doctor appointment today. Scheduled to be induced on the 15th. Doctor is gone next Mon, Tues, & Wed. I'm dialated to a one. I thought last week he said a 2....so I guess I'm going backwards. He said he had 1 written down for last week. Whatever, the 15th can't come soon enough. Just be glad you aren't Phil.....I'm SICK of being pregnant & SICK of being sick!! Still have a nagging cough.

Halloween 2005!
Our Halloween didn't go quite as planned this year. Zander woke up from his nap feeling pretty warm. I took his temp & it was 102. He woke up about 4 pm & we wanted to start Trick or Treating at around 5:30. Gave him some medicine & he snuggled on my lap. He drank some water & did eat a little jello. The kids saw some kids out across the street so they wanted to get their costumes on & go! So we did. We figured we'd put Zander in his for the houses we go to around here....just 5 or 6 of them & then head to New Ulm & drop him off at Grandma's. So we did the houses here & got in the van & headed to town. First we stopped at Eric's & then on the way to Grandma's, Zander puked....and puked. First time one of the kids got sick in the van. I've wanted a new van for about a year or so but have sinced changed my mind. The kids are just too hard on it!! And this was the icing on the cake. Most of it was on his costume though & some on the carseat. So the van was fine...but when cleaning it out today I found some gum on the floor in the back. Thanks for telling me about that Nick. Ugh.
So we turned around & Zander & I came home & Phil went back to town with the kids. Gave Zander a bath & he was much better after that. Put him to bed about 7:15...he woke up an hour later when Phil & the kids got home so I gave him some more medicine & then another hour later he was up again. He snuggled for awhile & then back to bed & woke up fine this morning. Back to his usual self of getting into everything he isn't suppose to!! Glad he just had that bug for a few hours!
Since we weren't able to get any pictures last night, we all put on our costumes tonight & snapped a few!
At least it was Zander that got sick & not one of the other two. He had no real clue what he missed out on! Although after just going to one house, he figured it out pretty quick!! By the 3rd house, he went right in & took what he wanted from her bowl!! I think he would have had a blast!!