Come & Gone....
My FOURTH Due Date has come & gone (well almost, just over an hour to go!). I thought for SURE this one was going to come today.
Contractions started just after midnight. I had JUST fallen asleep & was woken up by them. I laid in bed unti about 2 am breathing through them. They were about 10 minutes apart. Then I got up & went upstairs to the couch & quit watching the clock and tried to get some sleep. Wanted to wait until daybreak before having to wake anyone up. They continued all night so I didn't get any sleep. About 5:00 I went back to bed & lasted about 30 minutes. Went back upstairs & called the OB dept at 5:30 & asked when/if I should come in. She said when contractions were about 5 mins apart or if my water broke. This was all new to me....having contractions without pitocin!! So I stayed on the couch & Nick was the first one up. Not even sure what time it was. Then I had him watch the clock for me....still about 10 mins apart. Then Lexi was up about 7:15 & about 7:45 Eric came up. Then they really got I said I better get things packed up. Well I went to the bathroom & wouldn't you know it, after that they pretty much STOPPED. Contractions for over 8 hours & then NOTHING. Well an hour or so later they did start again....but nothing consistent that I could time.
I took a nap this afternoon & by 4:00 it was all over. Nothing. All that pain & NO baby to show for it.
So Phil went in to work tonight. Like something will happen when I'm here all alone?!?!
My doctor is out of town now until Thursday. I have an appointment then & will find out if I progressed anything from all of this. I'm sure I'm now at a 1.5.
How depressing.
Still scheduled for the 15th....a LONG 9 days to go yet.
Argh! I know how frustrating the "false start" can be - had that happen with 2 of mine. You get all psyched up and ready to go thinking "This is it!" and then whammo - nothing. :-(
Well hang in there - soon it will be all over and you'll have a sweet new baby to love! Thinking of you often and keeping you in our prayers.
~Angie & family
Thanks Angie! I get depressed when I go to my appointments & there aren't any changes, but yet it's better than what happened the other night! Felt like a TOTAL waste!! Just read some old posts when preg w/ WAY was I gonna make it to the 15th...his due date was the 4th. Here I'm in the same situation! No WAY will I make it another week! LOL
I know it's frustrating! My doctor always said changes don't always mean could be at 1.5 and walk out the door & go into labor or you can (as I have done!) walk around at 3 for a week or two feeling like the kid is ready to fall out of you!
It's cruel, though, to have a false alarm like that!
You poor thing! I never had this happen to me... Let's hope you go earlier..but then your doctor is gone.:-( Do you know any of the other ob doctors? Keep us updated on what happens. Love, Marcie
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