Happy 7th Birthday Nick!! Took these tonight since we'll be taking the cupcakes to school tomorrow. He looks so happy to be turning 7 doesn't he!??! Actually in about an hour & a half from now my contractions started with him. It was midnight & I was suppose to be at the hospital at 7 am to be induced. We went to the hospital at around 3 or 4 am & Nick was born at 12:17 pm. 12 hours of labor for the first kid, then Lexi was 6 hours & Zander was 5 hours. Think this one will be shorter?!?!

Happy 7th Birthday Nick, from your cousins here in WAukesha. Hope you had a nice day!
Cute Cupcakes. Nana
Whenever I look at this picture, I think Nick looks so grown up.. Happy birthday, dear Nick...Nana
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