Whaz Up?
You Tell Me
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Monday, June 20, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Phil's pulling some of the weeds out of the water while Nick enjoys floating around. We've been told the weeds will clear up in the next couple of weeks. We sure hope so!! Nick will swim in the lake but Lexi won't. There are FISH in there you know and she doesn't care for that!! (Just a few of the weeds he pulled are on the dock!)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Doctor Appointments Update!
Took Zander in for his 15 mo appointment today. He is 26 pounds & 34" long. He had to get one shot :-( Comparing my boys, at this age, Nick was 28 pounds & 32" long. So Zander could be taller than Nick if that's possible!!
I had my 19 week appointment today as well. Heartbeat was 130.....boy range! Gonna need some help on boy names if you have any ideas....otherwise I'm afraid we may end up with a Hunter. I've gained 12 pounds so far with this pregnancy. Pretty good for me!! At 19 weeks with Zander I weighed 28 pounds more than I do now!! (As I sit here eating a chocolate brownie!!)
Doctor said see you in a month...I said how about longer? He said ok, 6 weeks! I was to have an ultrasound in 2 weeks but I passed on that. So we won't be finding out what this one is........Sorry!!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Weekend Update!
We spent our first full weekend at the lake! I'm sure my bed will feel really good tonight! And with Phil on midnights this week, it'll feel even better getting the WHOLE bed to myself!!
Thursday. This day didn't start out that great. Nick had baseball at 8:30 & since we are slow movers in the morning, it's always a rush to get going. We got to the ballpark on time & as I opened my door, I see Nick's classmate's mom pointing at me....I thought she was pointing at my Ebay Powerseller sticker on my van window. I open my door & hear a whoooosssshhhhh. And I look & see my back tire is going flat....very fast. So I get the kids out & head to the park & make some phone calls. By the time baseball is over, I have a new $80 back tire. I ran over some huge metal chunk of something. It went in the tire & back out the side.
After a few more errands, we head to pick up Eric, back home to pack up & off to the lake we go!
The boys did some fishing on Thursday & I got brave & managed to take a few fish off that they caught. I don't mind that so much but you won't see me baiting the hook yet.....unless it's with a piece of corn. That I'll do!!
Phil joined us on Friday getting their about 5 pm. We met some more new people this weekend & are writing all the names down as it's hard to remember who is who, from where, & what trailer is their's!
The weather was actually pretty nice. Saturday was windy but the rain stayed away. Today was just beautiful. Everyone got some sun! We went to Waterville (12 miles away) for their Bullhead Days parade. Kids got a bunch of candy & even Zander got into it by picking up pieces & putting them in the bag! Lexi was still terrified of clowns & anyone dressed up. She hid everytime.
Friday night Lexi woke up about 3 am sick. She tried to vomit, but nothing much came out. She was on the couch most of Saturday just not feeling well. She woke up today feeling much better. Just that short bug that she gets once in awhile. Today she met two new girls at the lake. Alyssa & Amber. They are cousins to the girl Rose she met the other weekend. One of them is 3 & the other is 6. Their dock is next to ours so they'll hopefully do some swimming together. Cindy & Darren (parents) said they only got to the lake once last year because of work & are hoping this year they can get their more often. They said they were going to look at the trailer we bought (they share ownership w/ his parents & siblings & want something on their own now) but we bought it before they got a chance to make an offer. Oops!!
Luckily our place didn't have any storm damage from earlier this week. The next resort over had a huge tree that fell on a cabin where a couple were. They just got out of their bed & the tree fell on the bed. They are VERY lucky. We had some branches down but nothing major.
I missed my dishwasher & garbage disposal!! I really didn't even miss the computer.....it was a nice break away from all the Ebay stuff. Course now I need to get some stuff listed though!
*****Monday morning. Kids were all in bed by 8:15 last night......Nick was the first one up after 9:00 AM!! Lexi got up then & Zander was about 9:45 AM!! Kids were wiped out for sure!! I was up at 9:00 & then laid on the couch waiting for them to get up. It's now 10:45 & I better hop into the shower & get dressed today don't ya think??
Sunday, June 05, 2005
What an exhausting time for the kids at our new lake home!!! I have never seen the kids this tired!! Lexi fell asleep about 3 minutes into the ride home, Nick & Zander within the last 10 miles from home. Zander even had two naps today at the lake too (one short one). We were there less than 24 hours too...how do you think they'll do when we are there for a FULL weekend or more?!?!?

Friday, June 03, 2005
Oops!! I didn't get any pictures of the FISH!
While I was busy cleaning the place, Nick & Phil did some fishing off the dock. I think Nick caught like 10 fish. They caught Rock Bass, Sunnies, & Pumpkinseed fish. Nick had a great time & was pretty much fishing the whole time we were there today. He is learning how to bait his own hook & take the fish off when he catches them. I told him that if he wanted to fish when daddy wasn't there & it was just me, well, he needs to learn how to do that because mommy doesn't know how & there are no future plans for mommy to learn either!! I think he caught right on today & can do some solo fishing now! He's growing up!
We were there only a few hours today & he met two friends...Adam & ?? & Lexi met a 3 yr old girl....Rose. Rose is from Iowa. I'm sure those girls will have a fun summer together!
We can't wait to get back there & get the place feeling like our home away from home!