Whaz Up?
You Tell Me
Monday, September 25, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
My $400 Toilet Paper
I had to go to Target tonight to pick up some toilet paper. It only cost me $400.!!
I'm sure you have all heard about the Elmo craze, right? Well imagine my surprise when I see 11 of them sitting on the shelf!! I saw them & thought..what the heck are they all still doing on the shelf?!?! So I called Phil to check Ebay to see what was happeneing as we all know last night they were selling for $200-300 (new they are 39.99). Well this afternoon they have come down to around $100-$150 & tonight they are selling for $40-75. So I really wasn't sure WHAT to do. Is there only going to be a limited number of these produced?
Well I did fill my cart up w/all they had. 11 of them...then as I'm walking to check out, an employee said he had a strange request...and I said "you want one of my Elmo's? He said yes..and I said sure go ahead & take one. He said are you sure? I said yep that's fine & then he started to explain that they could get more on the next shipment..so then I was really unsure if I wanted to spend $400 on all of them! Then I got to checkout & two employees asked me what I was gonna do w/ all the Elmos. They seriously had NO idea. I said I had 10 kids ...and I just laughed.
I'm serious though, they really had no clue. I guess they don't watch the NEWS.
After I got home, I thought to myself. Now why would he ASK me for one of my Elmo's if there are more coming on the next shipment? Hmmm maybe he knows something & doesn't want to tell??!??!
While I would of been thrilled with 100 profit on each of these, I'd still be happy to sell each one in the 65-70 range..that would be a couple hundred profit if I sold all of them for that. I'd be happy with that! I definately need to sell enough to pay for the credit card bill when that comes, that's for sure!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Potty Training UPDATE...
Well I think it's been a couple of weeks since we first started the training with Zander. The last couple of weeks have been going GREAT with him! He stayed at Grandma's a couple of nights this last week & did great with her. NO ACCIDENTS! Today was an accident free day as well! I should have known this was gonna happen....I JUST bought a huge case of diapers for him!! At least I will be able to save them for Zach!
It has been sooooooooo nice to just have ONE child in diapers! Only another TWO years of diapers! LOL
MSU Volleyball Autograph Night!
We got a treat Saturday night at Ashley's Volleyball games! It was autograph night! We got a really nice team player picture with the girls all signing it for us. They even signed the boys shirts. Nick, Zander, & I went to the game with Grandma & Grandpa. Phil wasn't feeling the best (cold), Lexi has been coughing/running nose, & Zachary has been fighting the cold as well. Zander has it too, but he felt good enough to go with. MSU won 3 games to 2. A couple of games had us on the edge of our seats as did the last play of the night! It was a close one!

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
STATE Tractor Pull
Nick & I headed out early this morning for Hutchinson for the MINNESOTA STATE TRACTOR PEDAL PULL. This was a big event....I was surprised at how many people were there!! I'd guess about 1000 that came & went. They had two age groups going at a time & separate the boys from the girls. So after the 4 & 5 year olds were done, it was the 6 & 7 year old groups. There were 51 boys in the 7 year old group!! He was up against a LOT more than at previous pulls were he placed! Nick was number 35 and so we left after he was done. He didn't make it to the top three so no need in sticking around! The top ones before him had pulls of 31, 32, & 34 feet. Nick was just over 26 feet which I would say put him in about the middle for placing.
Here it happened to be Hutchinson's city wide garage sale day as well! So we hit a few sales after the pull but it was cold out & I ended up with a headache so we headed home.
Potty Training...
Well we are about a week into it now. I still keep diapers on him for the most part but I haven't had to change a poopy diaper of his in a week now!! He has that part down pat. It's just the pee we are still working on. Not going as fast as it did with Nick...he trained himself in a week!!!
Yes, this is how he sits on the toilet ;-) Works great & I recommend it for anyone training their boy!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Lexi's Bus Ride Home
Lexi was pretty excited coming off the bus! She had a GREAT first day at kindergarten!! In case you can't understand it all.....Nick was suppose to pick Lexi up at her classroom after school so they could walk to the other school to catch the bus. Well, I guess Lexi was outside waiting, not at the classroom, so Nick had to tell me that right away. He did his part, but she didn't do hers! LOL Then he had to tell me that she didn't eat the lunch (which I figured). Today was shrimp poppers.....and she said that you didn't HAVE to take everything & didn't HAVE to eat all of what you did take. All I want her to do is TRY new foods......but she's pretty stubborn about that! NO idea where she gets that stubborness from.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
First Day of School!
Nick's first day of 2nd grade was today! I took him to school & planned on walking him in...but I asked him anyhow "do you want me to walk in with you?" He said "Not really, but I do...." Oh oh, it's starting already?!? So I just walked in & took a couple of pics & left. He was tired this morning & I had to wake him at 7:30.....tomorrow I'll wake him at 7:15 & then Thursday will be 6:30 so he can take the bus! Yikes...back to using the alarm clock!