Whaz Up?
You Tell Me
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Nick's kgarten class took a field trip to a local farm a couple of weeks ago. HERE are some pictures of that trip. The first group is the afternoon class, he is in the morning class so if you scroll to the bottom & look up, you'll see some pics with him! He's wearing his gray sweatshirt with a red shirt underneath that day.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Monday, October 25, 2004
FIRST Tooth!!
Zander's first tooth broke through today!! He's just over 7 months.
In other news.........Phil's car didn't start this morning. It's getting towed in tomorrow hopefully. Think it's the starter. How much does that cost?? There goes the Ebay profits!
It's OVER.............
Eight was it..........and Phil is disappointed. He had *FUN* catching them he said. Oh gaarrooosssssss!!! I did feel a little better hearing that my aunt/uncle had some visitors themselves. They only had four though!
In other recent news....have you checked my Ebay auctions lately?!!? Phil did AWESOME at the auction he went to last Saturday. Sold an old Fort Apache Stockade set thing for $113 (and they paid already too! ). Also have been doing great on the magazines he picked up. One sold for over $70.......and another asked if I'd do a buy it now. I did for $20...she bought it. I have one box of magazines to go through & get listed yet. We threw a bunch out too. He came home with FIVE big boxes full. Oh, he paid EIGHT dollars for ALL of them ;-)))) Doing the ~~~HAPPY~~~ dance here!!! A ton more are ending this week. Wonder if it's time to get out of the clothes business & move on to bigger & better things!!
Friday, October 22, 2004
Do I even post more about this!?!?!?
Trying to add some posts to cover up the below pictures so my mom will read my blog again ;-)
Guess how many we caught last night??!? Leave your guesses below in the comment field & a prize goes to the high guesser (sorry Shannon, you can't guess!). I don't think we are done yet either..........
I'm ready to move out.
***ED NOTE*** Angie you were close...Jennie, way out in left field ;-) There were THREE more last night. Phil heard the third one & just left it until this morning....that is why I'm sure there are more. He thinks just ONE more, but we shall see what tonight brings!
Jennie, we've lived here 5 years now & this is the first time we have gotten mice. It IS the time of year for them & we do live near a field.
Let me tell you this though, having mice in your kitchen is REALLY good for weight loss. I haven't felt like eating much these last couple of days. My appetite is just gone ;-)
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Phil came home from work tonight & said he SAW him. HE moved the trap to the top of the cupboards & said we'd have him in 10 mins. Lo & behold, as we are both sitting here, we hear a SNAP! Is that a long ass tail or what?!?!? EWWWWW He reset the trap to get his brothers & sisters if he has any. I sure hope not!!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Thursday, October 14, 2004
What do you think???
Look at the picture below of Lanie, Lexi, & Linda in the golf cart. Phil checked my blog & says "why did you put Linda's name under this picture?" I said well because that is who is in the picture. He says "no it's not, it's you" Nope, sorry, I think I would know since ***I*** took the picture!
But in looking at it again......I'm thinking, well you know, that could be me!! I guess we do sort of look alike? Whatcha think??