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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Saturday, November 13, 2004

Nick had his first *friends* Bday party today. We started out just playing with all his race tracks until all the kids got here. The kids all had a great time. Nick said his favorite was the rely race we did (golf balls on a spoon). Lexi's favorite was musical chairs....which is funny cause she was out the first round & came & cried by me!! It was a fun party today!!!
I guess it pays to work your butt off!!! I'm now an Ebay ****POWER SELLER****. If you aren't sure what that means, click HERE to find out what you have to do to become a member of this elite group. So now next to my user name, you'll find the little icon to let you know I'm a POWER SELLER ;-)))))
Friday, November 12, 2004
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Saturday, November 06, 2004
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The BIRTHDAY BOY with his new tackle box & other goodies!!! I think he had a pretty good birthday. He wore his crown all day & on the bus ride home & then wore it to Happy Joe's. He got Happy Birthday sung to him FIVE times today!! Once at St Paul's, and then 3 times at Jefferson. Once in the classroom, then in music class, & then in the cafeteria! Then finally at Happy Joe's Pizza!! Happy Birthday Nick!! We all love ya!!
SIX years ago...........
My first child had a due date of Oct 21st, 1998. Nothing happened that day, or the following, or the next, or even the next. We had to wait TWELVE days before something happened!
I was scheduled to be induced on Monday, Nov. 2nd, 1998. Sunday night about midnight, contractions started on their own. We waited until about 4 am & then headed to the hospital. Living with my parents at the time, it was a grueling, one minute car ride to the hosptial. They wheeled me up to the OB dept & about 5:30 am the doctor came in & checked me out. He broke my water at that time & that helped to progress things.
About 11:00 am I was given the ok to start pushing. I pushed, & pushed, & pushed some more. FINALLY, at 12:14 pm, Nicholas Philip Fischer entered the world!!
He is SIX years old today!!! On his birthday, he gets to attend school all day !!! Tonight we'll go to Happy Joe's Pizza for supper. Grandma/Grandpa will join us as well as Mitch & Eric I think.
I remember being in the hospital this ELECTION time of the year. They were going to wheel me down to vote. I passed. That year, MN elected Jesse Ventura for our Govenor. I remember some of the nurses pretty upset about that!! I wonder who will be upset tonight? The red or blue party???
I WILL be voting today, will you??? Get out & VOTE!!
Monday, November 01, 2004
We had such a busy Halloween night!! We started the night out by attending the party at St Paul's Church. They had different games for the kids, face painting & even a hay wagon ride! After spending about 45 mins there, we headed to the Amercian Legion to pick up a candy bag & some other goodies ;-) Then we stopped at Papa Murphy's for some free cookie dough for those in costume. We made our way back to Courtland & went to the Rec Hall for the Lion's Club Halloween party. We were there for about an hour. MORE games for the kids & lots of little prizes.
They had the judging of the costumes & Nick took 4th place in his age group & won $4.00 & Lexi took 3rd place in her group & won $5.00!! Zander didn't get squat!! I thought HE was the cutest too!!! OH well, we'll try again next year! After that we headed back to New Ulm. Lexi changed into her Dragon costume (which was warmer) for door to door trick or treating!! I forgot to get a picture of her in it!! Oops!
We stopped at our old daycare first & then to Grandpa/Grandma's. From there, Phil took Nick & Lexi (& managed to get Eric to go with too) to State Street where they went up/down about 4 blocks. Zander & I stayed at Grandma's. Lexi & Phil came back & Nick & Eric went around 3 blocks or so by Grandma's.
We have got the candy! We are gonna put it in the pinata we are having for Nick's bday party. He is having his first *kid* bday party on Sat the 13th. He has invited 8 of his friends from school. He is excited about it!! We are getting all the games & stuff planned out. Should be interesting!
I did some after Halloween shopping today........got a TON (like 34!) of costumes for next year. I spent over $300.00!!!!!! (There goes the profits on all the magazines we sold! LOL) I should easily double that next year & hope to do more! They were 75% off & they are really decent costumes. Not your cheap Target/K-mart/Wal-mart ones either! Mostly adult. If you are looking for something, let me know, I may have it!!