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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Zander & Santa....

We went to the bank today & I saw a sign posted that SANTA will be visiting the Rec Hall on Saturday. I told Zander that he would be able to sit on Santa's lap & he could tell him what he wanted for Christmas. I asked him what he wanted.....he said "presents". I said, well what KIND of presents do you want. "oh, I don't care, whatever he wants to get me" And then he said "but if he gives me lotion, I'll probably give that to you"

Lotion?? Where did he come up with THAT one?!!?

Poor guy is feeling icky today. He woke up with the croupy cough & a fever of 102. He pretty much went from the couch to the table (to work on his puzzles) today. I tell you the nice thing with him feeling icky is that he doesn't bother his lil bro as much!


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