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Monday, December 11, 2006

Boys & Boogers

I was holding Zachary today & he had a dried up bogger by his nose & that stuff BUGS me so I got it much to his pulling away. I didn't have a kleenex handy so I wiped it on the newspaper next to me. Hard, dried up crusty old thing. What happens next? Disgusting.

His big brother ZANDER picked up the booger & ATE IT!!!! I could not HELP but LAUGH!! Phil said do NOT laugh, he should get a spanking for that!! It was so disgusting and yet funny!!!

Zander who absolutely HATES it when he has a booger on his finger & wipes it on me, ate his little brother's. I asked him if it was good...he said "mmm good"

Boys. They turn into MEN. No need to say more.


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