Whaz Up?

You Tell Me

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Well it's a new month & I'm working on our budget/envelopes. I'm proud to say that I'm seeing my couponing pay off! I haven't posted many of my deals on this site anymore as I belong to another site that is more appropriate for it. So in case you were wondering if I was still doing it, you bet I am! Getting some recruits too as one of my family members...cough cough...we won't say any names, but I guess they signed up on that site to see what I'm doing, or to get good deals too, one or the other!

And another family member likes to shop with me now too, to use my coupons or to see how I do it?? I'm not sure yet!! I think I have her stocked on Olay soap though. You need to come over & see what else you need! Oh, and dumb we paid $1.16 for that Raisan Bran when now we can get a couple of boxes FREE.

So anyhow, I decided to lower my $400 grocery tab to $300 this month & see how I do. April I could of got by for about $250. but then the last day I managed to spend $35, so I spent $285. And the freezer is FULL. FULL FULL FULL

And in my misc (previously called toiletries but it's oh so much more than just that!) fund I was giving myself $200/mo but this month got by on about $100. MISC is everything. Hair cuts, toiletries, stamps, photos, diapers, pretty much everything I buy at Target, Walgreen's, Walmart, Kmart, etc... that is not food! I was proud of this one considering I stocked up on diapers & laundry detergent! I should be good on detergent for at least 9 mos. if I figured right. (BTW, not cheap detergent either, TIDE! I got it for $3.25/bottle which is a stock up price for me!)

Ok, so where does the extra money go? Well it looks like we have to up our monthly gas/oil change envelope. Price of gas has gone up so we need to raise that one a bit. Course it figures...I got by on a tank of gas for a month (that tells you I'm not going ANYWHERE!) and now when I do start to go more, the price goes up!!

Busy doing lake laundry tonight. We are going on Friday for our first night of the season. So all the bedding is getting washed. I'm sure I'll check in from there this weekend!


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