I'm sure Phil wants me to post this because why else would he have taken a picture of it?!? I came home the other day as he was cleaning out the garage & he says "guess what I found under the step (in the garage to get to the house). I said I don't want to know.....well guess he says. Ok, a DEAD MOUSE? Nope...A dead SNAKE? Nope. Well this is what he found. Remember the mouse problem we had this past fall & a year ago?? I guess they were stockpiling Kirby's dog food. They would take a piece from his bag & drag it UNDER the step. How long do you think this took them little creatures?!?!? He caulked up some holes in the garage so we don't have to deal with this in the fall again. I guess this is how they got in....through the garage & then would run down the hall to the kitchen & somehow get way up on top of the cupboards. Still don't know how they did it, but really need to STOP thinking about it now. I'll have nightmares again I'm sure.

Wow that is a lot of doggy food..I do wonder how long it took the lil' guys to drag them back to the step? Man...
Good grief, Lis! That's quite a stash! Hope he found all the holes so the mice have to look for shelter elsewhere!!
Unbelievable...I thought it was only pack rats that did that. Marcie
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