Whaz Up?

You Tell Me

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bad Mom or Independent Kid??

Last night wasn't too bad considering how sick all the kids are. Zach woke up around midnight I think & Phil brought him in by me & then he just stayed in bed & slept with us until about 2 or 3 I think it was. He woke up & I got him up & fed him on the couch. Then I put him back in his crib & went to bed. Next time I heard him I looked at the clock & it as 7:03....oh SHOOT I said to Phil. Looks like you are gonna have to take Nick to school. He leaves for the bus at 7:02. I looked up the steps & saw Nick's door was shut so figured he was still sleeping & decided to let him sleep in.

So I head upstairs to get Zach & go to the living room & see Nick's backpack is gone. I guess he got up this morning, got dressed & headed to the bus on his own!! I sat down & saw the bus drive by so I must have just missed him by a few minutes.

I have no idea if he ate any breakfast or brushed his teeth or anything.

So you decide, bad mom?? Or do I just have a really independent 1st grader?!??!

I will have to remind him though to wake me up if I'm not up there when it's time to go!!


Blogger photowannabe said...

That sounds like the time I was sleeping on the couch after working a night and Savannah woke me up and said, I was hungry, so I made myself a sandwich. She did pretty well too. Peanut butter and jelly. Not a bad mom, we are allowed some of those moments. Good for him for doing it all on his own, yet scarey!

9:18 PM  

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