Happy Halloween!

Whew, busy night! I'll have to take a pic of Zachary in his costume tomorrow. I didn't get one of him tonight! Ooops!!
We did the infamous State Street & then dropped Lexi & Phil off about 5-6 blocks from Grandma's. They did the streets to her house & the boys & I waited there for them. After that we came back home to do our neighborhood but it was just Lexi & I. Z & Z had had enough. Zander was ready for bed. At first he said he would do one house, then he said "no, I'm too tired" So he went to bed.
Lexi & I did the six neighbors here & came back & Zachy was fillin' his tummy with candy yet. We waited for Nick....this year he went out with a friend. They were also going to do State Street. It was about 9:00 when he got home & we figured he'd for SURE have his bag FULL. We were wrong. He didn't have much at all....he said they did a block or two & then sat at someone's house. I think he was ok with that....UNTIL he saw Lexi's HAUL. Phil has it all planned out for next year. Skipping State Street (this is a street in New Ulm that about 7 blocks of people participate). They usually get around 1000 kids. So....you can imagine how much candy these people have to buy. So they don't hand out much.......but it's great for the little kids cause you don't have to skip a lot of houses like most streets.
Phil said Garden Street was the best, mainly because those people don't get a lot of kids so pile it on for the ones that do show up!! My old neighbor has really gone down. It used to be every house when I was growing up. This year.....only 4 by my mom/dad. But one gave out juice boxes, so that was a hit w/ our kids!! After Z & Z saw Lexi come back with that, we just HAD to go to that house. The guy also told the boys to take a couple of candy bars....both boys said no thanks. They took their juice & left. Zachary was funny at another house, he had a licorich in his hand & then changed his mind & gave it back to the guy!!
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