Quack Quack!
Tonight the crew & I headed to a neighboring town's DUCK DAYZ celebration. Phil was working so it was the kids, my nanny, & my 5th child that went. Fun was had by all!
Balloon Heads!

If you look close enough you can see that there is a little bouncy ball in the balloon to hold it from blowing off into the wind! Pretty cool!

MMMMM Enjoying some Pizza!

MMMMM enjoying a Spoon!!

They were having a QUARTER DIG at 6:00. We got to the spot & no one was there. The kids got impatient & kept asking if they could start digging..finally I said go ahead, didn't look like anyone was coming. Finally a lady came by & we asked what the deal was & she said the dig got moved to the other end of the park & it was already over! NICE!! Kids got all nice & dirty for NOTHING! There weren't any quarters in this sand!

This just cracks me up! All the kids digging in the WRONG pile! I suppose it wasn't funny then, but it sure is now!
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