Nick, Lexi, & I took a trip to South Dakota to attend the wedding of my cousin Todd Ralph (I know it's not spelled like that, but that's how they were saying it all night!). Phil stayed home with Zander & Zachary. He survived, the house survived (although the basket of whites I asked him to fold *if he found time* was still sitting here!). He did great with the boys & I survived with the older two as well! Had a headache today & was pretty tired...but when aren't I tired?!?!? We had a great time at the wedding!! Thanks Todd & Sara!! CONGRATULATIONS & have a great honeymoon in Cancun....where incidentally Phil & I went on our 13 years ago!!!
****If this isn't enough pictures for you to see, check out Jennie's blog & also the Walter family blog. Links on the side.

Thanks to Lisa and Jennie and others who furnished pictures on Blog really a great job on your posting so fun to look at.
Love them all cousins and 2nd cousins.
Thanks Sara and Todd for the fun wedding.h
I know its tons of work, thanks Doug and Lucy, the kids are well worth it.You all did a great job.
No one seemed to mind the 48 degrees that day.
What does it mean to rain on your wedding day?
Lots of blessings and to be fruitful and multiply.
Love, Mom and Dad
Uncle Lenny and Aunt Rose.
We've done our share of multiplying, Todd & Sara you are up next!!
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