Law Breaker.........
Monday, Phil went over to the cabin to try to fix the water heater. An element went out so he got a replacment & thought that would do it. Well, when he was doing that, something happened with the circuit breaker & he lost power to half the place. So he came back home & called an electrician. They finally made it out there today & got the problem fixed. It was just a fuse outside that blew he said. The plumber thought the electrician could fix the water heater problem (and said we'd save a $65 service call too). Well, after the electrician was done, he called me and said the power was working in the whole place & he thought the water heater was working. There was power to it he said. Since he wasn't going to stick around to check it out (and he had honestly said that he had no clue w/ the water heater and didn't deal with them), I thought I better head over there today to see if we had hot water. If not, then we'd have to call the plumber in the morning to get home over there. So the kids & I headed over after Nick got home from school.
As luck would have it, no hot water. So now we have to call the plumber in the morning & hope his schedule is open that he can get out there to fix it! It won't be the end of the world if we don't get it fixed this weekend, but it sure would be nice!! Boiling water to do the dishes was kind of a pain. And it's a longer weekend and not being able to shower....yuck. I like to shower everyday!
So of course Nick did some fishing while we were there. They were biting pretty good. He caught a bass & some sunnies. Here's the picture of the bass & one of the sunnies. (To show daddy what size Bass he caught). Well, we couldn't find the basket to keep the fish in overnight (so Phil can clean them on Friday), so Nick thought it would be ok to just keep them in the 5 gallon bucket until we got back there tomorrow. Hell if I know if that is alright or not, so I said sure. So he left it sitting on the dock. I didn't think it was a good idea but figured whatever.
Well Phil just called from work & said that wasn't a smart thing to do. First off, you can't keep Bass yet....the opener for them is Saturday. OOOPS. And second, the fish will be dead by the time we get there. I said, so you can still clean them, can't you. He said no way, with flies eating on them and stuff. Ok, so I learn something new about fishing all the time!
Nick has show & tell tomorrow & tonight as I was tucking him in he said "I know what I would bring tomorrow if I could" I said "the Bass?" Yep he said. I said, how about if I print out the picture I took of it & then you can tell your class about it & show them the picture. I told him that he could tell his friends that he did everything by himself.....baited the hook, caught it & took it off the hook too. I was too late with getting a picture of him holding it. I was at the cabin when he caught it & Lexi came running up & said "Nick caught a Bass" So I grabbed the camera & he already had it in the bucket. He said he's not very good at picking them up once they are in the bucket like that, so this picture will have to do! It was the length of a 5 gallon bucket about what? 10 inches? I don't know, he was pretty proud of it though!!

Great catch, Nick! Awesome!
(didn't know about the bass season either!? interesting!)
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