We took the kids to *Kinderfasching* today. It was pretty fun!! Lexi was terrified of the Narren at first......but by the end she was better. There were games, music, dancing, kettle korn & 1919 Rootbeer! mmmmm Here are some pictures!
Lexi loved the dancing........(she is on the left end by the princess!)

Here are the neat masks they got to make.......does Nick look a little sad?? Well, we can blame mommy for that. We used the hot glue gun & I should have put the things on, but Nick did & his finger hit the glue....he was in a lot of pain. At least we've been hearing about it ALL day.

Playing w/ the parachute....Nick was in the middle trying to catch as many balls as he could!

Lexi won a door prize..........a picture of the *Narren*

Lexi just got her face painted! She looks sad, but I told her to turn her face so daddy could take the picture. I think she wanted to look at the camera & smile!

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