Whaz Up?

You Tell Me

Saturday, June 28, 2008


I took Zander & Lexi to the movie WALL-E tonight. This was Zander's first movie theater experience. He did alright until the last 30 mins. It started at 7:00, well previews did, movie started about 7:30....so by 8:30 Zander knew it was past his bedtime! He was getting tired & said he had a tummy ache....I told that was because he ate too much candy. To which he replied "well YOU gave it to me" Yep that is true! I knew it was more he was tired than his tummy hurting. After it was over & we got home the tummy didn't hurt anymore ;-)

The movie....I just came on here to see what the reviews were cause I wouldn't rate it very high! What I've read is that they are expecting it to be the #1 opening this weekend. We'll see.....we'll have to see how it does after the second week after those of us that have seen it give our reviews! I wouldn't go to it again. Lexi liked it but I don't think she really understood what it was about. And Zander....well I think we'll wait awhile before taking him to another movie. It's more the eating & watching other people that he liked.


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