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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mail Call

I used to look forward to the mail cause I used to get a lot of my Ebay payments that way. Well for the last few years, I'd say I get paid via Paypal by 95% of my customers. So the mail wasn't as exciting to get.

Well now I've been doing coupon trades & such & have been running to my mailbox daily. Also all those rebate checks too. And now I also have started to email companies to compliment them on their products, granted I like the product they put out!

So here's what I've gotten in the mail lately:

~~$10 MIR check from Evenflo for breastpump I bought at Target & sold on Ebay.
~~12 stamps from a trade
~~15 stamps from a trade
~~Potluck of coupons from a trade
~~US Weekly Magazine
~~Walgreen's gift cards for $50./Feb (I do 2 of these a month & haven't gotten the other one yet although they were mailed on the same day.
~~Banquet rebate check $4.99
~~Gold N Plump $8 in coupons (this was the chicken I bought on sale at Cashwise a few weeks ago. I was really never sure how to make chicken & when it comes in a bag & you just stick it in the oven, well it can't get any easier. So I emailed them & told them that. Got some nice coupons today for it!


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