Happy 5th Birthday Lexi Rose!!
FIVE years old!! Ready for Kindergarten!! I remember her birth day vividly. I of course was past my due date & had to be induced. Pitocin was started at 9 am & just after 3 pm she slid right out. She came out so easy...and was just over 7 pounds...perfect!! Dark complexion & dark hair....and she's kept that! Beautiful brown eyes :-) Phil & I could not believe we had a little GIRL!! I was in shock when the doctor said "it's a GIRL" I was like no way, check again, are you sure?!!? I also remember it was HOT when we brought her home from the hospital. VERY hot out...like it's been the last few days.
We had a VERY busy day today. We decided to go check out a county park that we had never been to. It was about 45 miles from New Ulm. Mound Creek County Park. Here's the link to their site. Kids had a great time! There was alot for them to do. We started out doing a little swimming & playing in the sandy beach. Then we had a picnic lunch. Then we did the disc golf. After that we hit the fishing area & then walked to the waterfalls. That area seemed a little dangerous to me...not sure if we were in the right spot or not. After looking at the map tonight, I see there was a dam area too that we missed.
After we got home this afternoon, we had to go register the kids for school. Nick met his teacher & dropped off his school supplies & Lexi did the same. She was soooo shy. She has the same teacher that Nick had for Kgarten so that will help.
After that we headed to Happy Joe's! It's become our usual spot for taking the kids on their actual birthday. They love it.
Lexi got a new bike from us....I'll have to get a picture of her with it tomorrow. It's a little big for her yet and she can ride it but needs help getting on & started. Hopefully with more practice she'll get the hang of it!
No fancy cake today...we are saving that for the party on the 19th!! She got the ice cream sundae at Happy Joe's & last night we had some chocolate covered ice cream cookie sandwich things. MMMMMM where they good!!
Lexi also got FIVE Roses on her birthday!!

Happy belated birthday Lexi, hope you had a great day. We were thinking of you!
Love the Fischers
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