College Girls....
Grandpa & Libby sitting with Ashley & her two friends from college. Ashley is in the middle, Carly on the right & Erika on her left. I have to share this & I'm sure Ashley will like me to share this story! LOL Anyhow, as I was getting the food ready, the girls came in & Ashley asked if they could help. I said SURE! I gave her a watermelon & said "here can you cut this up?" She says ok. And then she says to her friend "I don't know how to do it, you cut it up". So I think Carly cut that up. Then I said, here Ashley, cut some tomatoes up. Then I look & she passed that on to Erika to do! She did do a few though I think. I wonder how they will survie this year in an dorm cafeteria........they have to cook themselves!!! Glad you could come Ashley!! I think Phil enjoyed taking you & your friends out tubing. I told Fred to go keep an eye on Phil, he just took three girls in bikini's out on the boat!!

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