Twins Win!
The first few innings didn't look too good for the Twins last night, but they made a come back after being down 3-0 & won the game 8-4 (I think it was). This was Lexi's first time riding a big Coach bus & her first MN Twins game! I asked her today what she liked & she said the COTTON CANDY & the POPCORN!!
Phil's co-worker had a hard time with my camera....or else it was all the beer he had! Pretty blurry shot, but here we are! (this was his THIRD attempt)

Nick REALLY enjoyed his Root Beer Float!

We had awesome seats along the First Base Line ($26 tickets!). No need for binocluars here!

Lexi enjoying her Cotton Candy!

And on the way out (we left our seats an inning early so we didn't have to fight the crowd with the kids) we lucked out & saw the Twins Mascot TC the Bear in the hallway!

Looks like you had a nice time. I love Lexi's hair. Great seats make a difference. I am glad that it was a good time! Were the Z boys good for Grandma?
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