Two Month Doctor Appointment!
I took Zachary to the doctor today for his 2 month well baby check with shots. poor baby had to get three of them! He didn't like them ONE bit!! He's been a little fussy today because of it. He's been asleep now for a couple of hours & I hope we have a decent night. I'll just have to give him some more meds when he wakes up! His weight today was 12 pounds, 10 ounces. The other boys were over 14 pounds at their 2 mo appt & Lexi was over 13 Zach is the runt of the litter! He is long & lean. He was over 24 inches. He's in the 75% percentile for weight so he's still big. I'm just used to 90% & above!!
poor thing....shots are a bummer. hope he feels better soon!
sounds like he is good and healthy though. it is tough to see them get those shots.
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