38 week Doctor Appt Update!
Getting closer.....still a couple of weeks to go. I'm dilated to a 2...which doesn't mean anything to me. I think I was at a 2 with Zander the last 2 or 3 weeks. I've still got this horrible cold/cough. Mostly cough now. I must have hacked enough in the doctor's office that he wrote a prescription for some cough syrup without me even asking!! So I'm hoping that helps...especially at night.
Heart rate was 120.....today I'm thinking it's a boy. Which grandma would be happy with since she doesn't like the girl name of Zoe we have picked out. Course she thinks that could be a boy name so maybe we WILL name it Zoe if it's a boy!! Have any of you heard of ZOE for a boy!?!? I didn't think so.
Oh, grandma another thing. I said to my doctor that you had heard on the radio that the record number of babies a woman had was 69. He doesn't believe that or think it's even possible...unless she had 7 at a time a few times. Ok, so I just searched ASK JEEVES & grannie, you ARE right. Here is the story...I'll have to print it out & take it to him next week.
And another record of 15 sets of triplets. What was in the water back in the 17 & 1800's??
I also asked him how many babies he has delivered to the same woman. He said 4. I guess we'll tie that one for him!! He said he did deliver a woman's 12th baby...but not the 11 before that! And I think another lady's 7th or 8th but none of those previous ones either...and he said that 5 of those kids she didn't even have custody of anymore. That was a sad situation he said.
And one last thing I asked him......could I be induced ON my due date or that week. He said MAYBE....but insurance asks questions then when it's that close to the due date. He said we'd talk about it more next week. So more than likely a no & if that's the case, I'm gonna see if I can be induced on the 15th of Nov. Then we'll have two kids born on the 2nd of the month & two on the 15th. Easier to remember!
Off to work on some sudoku puzzles!! Have you checked them out?? They are fun...and ADDICTING!! Phil & I both are into them now & it's a race to see who can get the paper first! www.websudoku.com
I'd say that woman who kept getting pregnant with multiples had some kind of genetic disorder not to mention any weaponry at her disposal to keep her husband in line. COME ON!!! After the FIRST set of triplets, I'd have hacked off any appendage that even so much as NEARED the center line of the bed! LOL
Glad all is healthy and well!!
Getting closer. We will be anxious to hear about all the details. Hope that cold goes by the wayside for you soon.
I predict girl!! Can't believe how close you are getting. Hang in there - hope your cold gets better soon.
PS - Just checked out the Sudoku site - interesting!
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